
2019-05-24 17:16:31
대학원 2019 기계공학세미나_Mechanical Fundamentals of Semiconductor Packaging_6월24일(월)

     기계공학 Packaging 관련 세미나를 개최하오니 관심있는 대학원생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.




    1.   :  Mechanical Fundamentals of Semiconductor Packaging


    2.   :  BongtaeHan Professor (University of Maryland) 


    3.   :  2019  6  24()  11:00 


    4.   공업센터 본관 701 


    5.    :

      To form a microelectronics device, an active silicon chip requires mechanical and electrical connections to the surrounding components as well as protection from the environment. The technology dealing with these requirements is called “Semiconductor Packaging”. As the components and structures involved in high-end portable electronics are made smaller, the roles of mechanical and materials engineering become increasingly important.


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