
2010-04-06 01:57:38
대학원 Brose Korea 채용공고

    Brose Korea 에서는 아래 position 에 적합한 석사 혹은 박사 졸업생을 찾고 있습니다.

    ( 5월 부터 업무 가능 할 경우 8월 졸업예정자도 가능 )

    Job description and requirements for Electronics Engineer.

    > Job description

    - Focus to Hyundai Spindle Drive Electronics (VF platform and all future applications)
    - System and Electronics engineering, software application, clarify hardware requirements with OEM
    - Discuss and negotiate specifications with customers/suppliers
    - Checking of Customer/Supplier documents
    - Measuring and testing of electronics (CAN/LIN applications)
    - Technical presentations
    - Define suitable technical concepts for Korean market
    - Actively communicate with Project Manager, Customer Team and Headquarter in Germany

    > Requirements
    - Embedded micro controller systems in automotive applications
    - Knowledge of Electrical/Electronic Architectures in Cars
    - Electronic hardware design
    - Project management
    - Experience with LIN- and CANbus: Vector CANoe and CANape tools
    - Automotive general ECU requirements

    담당자 연락처는

    김 지 연 대리 : (Tel) 031-546-6160,
    (Email) ji-yeon.kim@brose.com

    회신 기한은 4월 16일 (금) 까지 입니다.

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