
2008-04-07 03:43:24
대학원 대학원 세미나 공지(Plasma Assisted Combustion, 4/10(목))
    Stanford University에서 Post. Doc과정에 있는 김우경박사를 모시고 아래와 같이 세미나를 실시합니다.

    관심있는 분들의 참여를 부탁드립니다.

    제목: Plasma Assisted Combustion: Fundamentals and Applications

    연사: Wookyung Kim, Ph. D.

    일시: 2008/4/10/목 오후5:00

    장소: 기계공학부 세미나실

    In this presentation, various technical results on plasma assisted combustion are briefly summarized. It is primarily aiming at answering the following questions: i) by how much and ii) how does a plasma enhance flame stability, iii) what are the differences between plasma assisted and conventional flames such as flame structure and NOx characteristics, and iv) what are the potential applications for this technique. As exemplary results for the first question, the stability enhancement curves of the plasma assisted diffusion/premixed flames, which can survive either higher speed coflow or lower equivalence ratio, are provided. For the second, it is showed by modeling and measurements that the discharge induced reformation of hydrocarbon fuel into molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide primarily causes the increase of flame stability. For the third, the NO emission/optical emission characteristics of the plasma assisted flame is briefly investigated. Here, discharge induced NO and abnormal OH radicals due to the presence of the discharge are observed. Finally, the potential applications of the current research are briefly investigated, which include a plasma assisted augmentor in an aircraft engine, a plasma assisted HCCI engine and a plasma activated fuel cell.

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