
2006-07-11 11:35:15
대학원 (세미나공지) 7/12 오후4시
    1. 일시 : 2006. 7. 12 (수) 오후 4시

    2. 장소 : 신소재공학관 218호

    3. 세미나 주제 및 요약문:
    Nanomechanical Chem-Bio Sensor Platform

    (Si-Hyung “Shawn” Lim, Ph.D.)
    --Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (COINS)
    Berkeley Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Institute
    UC Berkeley--


    Chemical detection technology has been used in a variety of applications including disease diagnostics, bio-security, environmental monitoring, and food product recognition. Nowadays, the demand for a portable or decentralized sensing platform is rapidly increasing with the need for on-site target detection and analysis. Even though highly sensitive detection systems like gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) and ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) are currently available, such systems are bulky, expensive, and require time-consuming procedures. Ideally, next generation chemical sensing platform should have the following features: 1) highly sensitive and selective sensing; 2) rapid multiple target detection; and 3) a deployable, low cost, miniature, and robust system. The sensor system design based on emerging nano-bio-information technologies has the promise of satisfying these conditions.

    I am developing a portable chemical sensing platform which integrates nanomechanical sensor array, bio receptors, and electronics. In this talk, various scientific and engineering aspects of the nanomechanical chem-bio sensor platform development will be discussed in detail.

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