
2008-05-16 04:45:15
    “How to Write Abstracts in English for Journal Articles, Conferences, Theses and Dissertations”

    This presentation, in English, is open to all graduate students, researchers, and professors, from any field.

    Presenter: Adam Turner, Director of the English Writing Lab

    Time: Friday, May 23rd 4 pm-5:50 pm

    Place: Room 210 HIT Building Seminar Room

    Please register by emailing: dominator@hanyang.ac.kr with your

    1. Name:

    2. Title: (student, researcher, or professor)

    3. Department:

    4. Email address:

    5. Phone number:

    You may also call 2220-1808 to register.

    *Please bring two example abstracts printed out from a journal article and/or thesis or dissertation in your own field for analysis during the workshop. You may also bring a current abstract of your own for analysis. A handout guide to writing abstracts will be given to allparticipants.

    The workshop will cover some of the most frequent problems in abstract writing including the following:

    · Differences between type of abstract, such as journal, conference, and thesis or dissertation, and how they should be written a little differently.

    · The most common grammar problems and format mistakes for abstract writing.

    · The characteristics of a good abstract, which can be different in each field or even journal.

    · International standards and interesting cultural differences in writing abstracts. Many Ph.D. dissertation abstracts at Hanyang are much too long in English, for example.

    This workshop is also useful for those writing an English abstract for a thesis or dissertation written in Korean. However, the workshop will be in English.

    Writing Lab Services

    See http://ctl.hanyang.ac.kr/writing for more information about English Writing Lab services including free individual writing consultations for authors trying to publish in English and materials for research writing, or phone Adam Turner at 2220-1612.

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